Saturday, October 25, 2008

First Post

I thought it was time to take the plunge and start a blog.

A little about me...
I'm currently unemployed, I was laid off from a position with a homebuilder at the end of August. The prospects of a new job seem to be pretty dim. I've been applying for jobs and have had no responses other than one company who emailed me to let me know they had decided to not fill the position at this time. Great.

So, instead of dwelling on this, I've thrown myself into cleaning up 24 years of collected stuff around the house - some stuff goes on eBay and some stuff gets donated and some just gets tossed. I am trying to recycle whatever I can.

I've also been busy crocheting items for my Etsy shop - At first the only items I had for sale were afghans, but I've added coasters and scrubbies and a dishcloth pattern. It took me longer to get the pattern written properly than it took to make the dishcloth!

My husband of 21 years has a computer business - pcBusted ? - cool name, huh? Business is sporadic, several jobs one week, none the next. So we need to come up with some way to build his business. He's been very supportive of my yarn addiction, just as I am of his computer addiction!

That's all for now - maybe blogging will be therapeutic - I really don't like dwelling on wondering when I'll find another job.

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