Friday, October 31, 2008


So I'm not real original with my titles - hopefully that will change.

I've added Etsy Mini to the sidebar this morning to show off some of the goodies in my store. What is Etsy, you ask? well, it's a great site that allows artisans to sell their handmade wares. Everyone there is very supportive of each other. I've only had 3 sales so far. I have more items to add, just need to take pictures and write the descriptions.

I belong to two Etsy Teams (groups with similar interests or from a particular area) - FEST, which is short for Florida Esty Street Team and SWFHandmade - Southwest Florida Handmade. As I get more comfortable with blogging, I'll feature some of our members. Maybe pick a day and make it a weekly thing. In this economy we can all use a little help in our stores!

I've been searching for the perfect round dishcloth and found one that sort of met the criteria - I can't explain what that criteria was, I just knew it when I found it. So, I found one that was close to what I wanted and made some modifications. I've written up the pattern and it's for sale in my etsy shop - a picture of the finished dishcloth is at the end of this post. It's time to do the daily search for a job - more later.

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